[vc_custom_heading text=“Sheeter“ font_container=“tag:h1|font_size:28|text_align:left|color:%23004ea1″ use_theme_fonts=“yes“]

Highly wel­co­med by our cu­st­o­mers was the Link La­bel Shee­ter ISH 330. Fully elec­tro­nic, user fri­endly ope­ra­tion, va­ria­ble si­zes, high pro­duc­tivity, sui­ta­ble for la­bel stock and paper. The ISH 330B model was sucessfully launched on Labelexpo Europe 2015 and is available with a rotary slitting unit option.

[tt_vector icon=“ fa-external-link-square fa-fw“ size=“fa-1x“ border=“true“ pull=““ color=“#e70012″] More information ISH 330 (PDF)
[tt_vector icon=“ fa-external-link-square fa-fw“ size=“fa-1x“ border=“true“ pull=““ color=“#e70012″] video
[tt_vector icon=“ fa-external-link-square fa-fw“ size=“fa-1x“ border=“true“ pull=““ color=“#e70012″] More information ISH 330B (PDF)
[tt_vector icon=“ fa-external-link-square fa-fw“ size=“fa-1x“ border=“true“ pull=““ color=“#e70012″] www.linklabel.com