For finishing labels Link offers free standing hot foil stamping units. The 350 H digital provides servo drive at all functions, including stroke and plate residence time. Highest Flexibility is offerd by a turnable foil feeding head. Various either rotary or semi-rotary converting units complete the system to an unique customized finishing machine. Quite new is the compact stand alone H 330 TC.
[tt_vector icon=“ fa-external-link-square fa-fw“ size=“fa-1x“ border=“true“ pull=““ color=“#e70012″] More information LINK digiPRO 350 (PDF)
[tt_vector icon=“ fa-external-link-square fa-fw“ size=“fa-1x“ border=“true“ pull=““ color=“#e70012″] More information LINK 350 H digital (PDF)
[tt_vector icon=“ fa-external-link-square fa-fw“ size=“fa-1x“ border=“true“ pull=““ color=“#e70012″] More information LINK H 330 TC (PDF)
[tt_vector icon=“ fa-external-link-square fa-fw“ size=“fa-1x“ border=“true“ pull=““ color=“#e70012″]Video
[tt_vector icon=“ fa-external-link-square fa-fw“ size=“fa-1x“ border=“true“ pull=““ color=“#e70012″]
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